TOP „ Yoshio SHIRAKAWA ’‚P‚X‚V‚S¨Strasbourg to Paris v
œ Yoshio SHIRAKAWA u‚P‚X‚V‚S¨Strasbourg to Paris v@
@ [ ‚Q‚O‚O‚W^‚SŒŽ‚O‚T“ϊ(“y)|‚Q‚O“ϊ(“ϊ)]

Around 1974, I wake up in the drawing is interesting in making work fun.
Pencils, paper, erasers, etc. to draw in, and has created a new area.
Drawing, drawing every day, while enjoying the art in the world I was feeling. Also, when it was beginning to think about it.
Moved from the life of Strasbourg to Paris was also during this period.
The fun of youthful days in France soon after came the era of Germany
I go into sculpture in the world.
In April next year, I want to announce my drawing of a sculpture at NEUES ASAHI.
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"Beyond the region," the possibility of art

‚PD‚SŒŽ‚T“ϊi“yj ‚o‚l‚RF‚O‚O`
"An amateur or a professional?"
‚QD‚SŒŽ‚P‚Q“ϊ(“y) ‚o‚l‚RF‚O‚O`
"Expansion of Art"
‚RD‚SŒŽ‚P‚X“ϊ(“y) ‚o‚l‚RF‚O‚O`
"What is place?"




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