In our society, it is a normal thing that most of creators have a hard time to earn livelihood by making art and has to have other jobs.

Unless this problem is solved,they live and work only in the virtual world.

There are some artists, who simply create works with their impulse and are not influenced by history of art, trend or reputation, and whose works are generally called "Art Brut."

These artists are not just amateur or psychiatric patients but make works based on their own reality that crosses the boundary between the virtual and real world.

This reality is a common place for all artists.
The first thing we have to do is to produce the environment that artists can earn livelihood by their activity.

Naturally, this includes not only making art but also several aspects of their lives.

There will be possibilities to change the environment and expand our activity in working with sympathizers and NPO.

Our activity aiming "Art as a part of comfortable life" will be developed through process-oriented projects that require artists, participants and others to relate each other.

We start our activity with collaboration from NPO Wa in Maebashi

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